Attack Arguments That Can Be Reversed By Prabowo, Kian For Panic Incumbents

Liputan Digital. After the completion of the first debate held by the General Election Commission (KPU) many things were commented on by a number of politicians. That also happened to Fahri Hamzah.
The Deputy Chairperson of the House of Representatives considered that candidate number 01 had been misguided because he was then questioning about the party's problem led by presidential candidate number 02 Prabowo Subianto when the first debate was taking place, last Thursday 17/01/19. Fahri said that the candidate number 01 actually helped Prabowo in campaigning for his Party.

"It was Mr. Jokowi's mistake, he gave Prabowo time for the Gerindra campaign. Two questions about Gerindra? ”Fahri said while in the parliament complex on Friday (1/18/19).

Besides that Fahri also said that Prabowo seemed to get free facilities to be able to describe his party. And also Prabowo can explain his internal cadre and his promise to keep Gerindra as a clean party. And not only that Fahri said that in fact Prabowo actually paid a lot of money to campaign in the mass media like the night of the debate yesterday.

"Wow, that's really expensive. "The KPU should admonish Mr. Jokowi, why give time to Pak Prabowo for the Gerindra campaign there," Fahri said.

Fahri said that the PDI-P party could lose to the Gerindra party after the incident. And for the first debate last night, candidate number 01 also submitted two questions related to the Gerindra Party to Prabowo.

One of them is about the problem of corruption where many candidates come from the Gerindra Party. Then the candidate number 01 asked about his commitment to eradicating corruption. And Prabowo answered that he would try to increase the salaries of the bureaucracy in Indonesia so that later the problem of corruption could be resolved and strengthen the KPK in dealing with problems if there was still corruption in Indonesia.

In addition, finally Prabowo asked again about the matter that had been done by candidate number 01 in dealing with corruption, because the people had already learned that there were now many parliamentarians and ministers who were in his government who also carried out cotups cases, even many once.


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